Investor Relations
TOTS3 R$27.01 -1.32%
IBOV 121,163 0.95%
IBXX 51,361 1.00%


Where are TOTVS shares traded?

TOTVS shares are traded on the Brazilian Stock Exchange – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3)

What is the stock ticker symbol of TOTVS?


How do I check my TOTVS. shares on the internet?

Banco Itaú is our bookkeeper, which safeguards the shares, brings holding statements up to date, pays dividends and serves TOTVS shareholders. Thus, Itaú makes available the following channels so that you can follow on you share position:

If you do not hold a bank account in Itaú, you may check share information safely through an exclusive shareholder portal at Investshop Itaú website. You just have to access, follow the step-by-step guide, providing the data required, and then the information is already available.

If you have an Itaú, Uniclass or Personalité bank account, you just have to access your account at Under Conta Corrente menu, click on Informe de Rendimentos and Investimentos to access information on your shares kept by Itaú.

To clarify doubts or obtain further information, call 55 11 3003-9285 in São Paulo and metropolitan regions, or 0800 720 9285 in other regions. Customer service is provided on business days from 9:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m.

Has TOTVS ever executed a stock split?

2011: The Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting held on March 21, 2011 approved the 5-for-1 stock split with effect from March 22, 2011.

2020: On April 27, 2020, the Company’s Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting approved the of the stock split of all the common shares issued by the Company in the ratio of one common share for three (1:3) of the same type without any change in the capital stock. Consequently, the number of common shares in which the Company’s capital is divided changed from 192,637,727 to 577,913,181 shares.

When was the Company's IPO (initial public offering)?


When is the fiscal year-end of TOTVS?

The fiscal year ends on December 31.

What does the word TOTVS mean?

TOTVS comes from the Latin and means “everything, everyone”. An appropriate name for a company that consolidated the Brazilian business management software market.

How and where does TOTVS disclose its information?

All the material facts, notices to the market, board meetings minutes, management proposals for shareholders meetings, financial statements and other documents are published simultaneously at CVM (, B3 ( and the investor relations webstie (

How can I contact the Investor Relations Area?

To contact the Investor Relations department, click here.

Who are the Board members?

For further information on the committees and the Board members, click here.

What is TOTVS Intera?

TOTVS Intera is the new subscription model launched in June 2015, by which clients define and manage the number of identities they will be enabled to have unrestricted and simultaneous access to all the management, productivity and collaboration software solutions from TOTVS. This model allows clients to use the solutions in any of the clouds approved by TOTVS or, if more convenient, in their own infrastructure (on premises).