02/01/2024 |
Quiver |
Dimensa S.A., has entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Quotas and other Covenants for the acquisition of the entire capital of Quiver Desenvolvimento e Tecnologia Ltda. |
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11/30/2023 |
Ahgora |
TOTVS S.A. hereby announces that its subsidiary, SOLUÇÕES EM SOFTWARE E SERVIÇOS TTS LTDA., on this date, entered into an agreement for the sale and purchase for the acquisition of all shares
of AHGORA HCM S.A. and quotas of WEBTRAINING LTDA. (“Webtraining” and jointly with HCM, “Ahgora”) |
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10/31/2023 |
IP |
TOTVS S.A. hereby announces that its subsidiary, SOLUÇÕES EM SOFTWARE E SERVIÇOS TTS LTDA., on this date, entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Quotas and Other
Covenants, to acquire the entire capital stock of IP SÃO PAULO SISTEMAS DE GESTÃO EMPRESARIAL LTDA. |
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07/03/2023 |
TOTVS S.A. hereby announces that its subsidiary, SOLUÇÕES EM SOFTWARE E SERVIÇOS TTS LTDA., on this date, entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants, to acquire the entire capital stock of TRS GESTÃO E TECNOLOGIA S.A. |
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06/05/2023 |
Exact Sales |
RD Gestão e Sistemas S.A., on this date, entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants to acquire the entire capital stock of Exact Desenvolvimento e Programação de
Software S.A. |
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05/15/2023 |
TOTVS S.A. hereby announces that its subsidiary TOTVS Large Enterprise Tecnologia S.A., on this date, entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Quotas and Other Covenants to acquire quotas representing 100% of the capital stock of Lexos Soluções em Tecnologia Ltda. |
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08/31/2022 |
TOTVS S.A. hereby announces that its subsidiary TOTVS TECNOLOGIA EM SOFTWARE DE GESTÃO LTDA., on August 31st, 2022, entered into an Agreement of Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants (the “Agreement”) to acquire shares representing 60% of the capital stock of FEEDZ TECNOLOGIA S.A. |
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08/17/2022 |
Dimensa S.A., on this date, entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants to purchase the entire share capital of RBM Web Sistemas Inteligentes Ltda. |
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08/02/2022 |
Tallos |
RD GESTÃO E SISTEMAS S.A., on August 1st, 2022, entered into an Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants to purchase the entire capital stock of TALLOS TECNOLOGIA INTEGRADA E ASSESSORIA EM NEGÓCIOS S.A. |
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04/12/2022 |
TOTVS S.A. informs that, as approved by its Board of Directors,
entered into, on this date, an agreement to create a joint venture with Itaú Unibanco S.A. , called TOTVS TECHFIN |
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04/04/2022 |
TOTVS Tecnologia em Software de Gestão Ltda. (“TOTVS Tecnologia”), on April 2, 2022, entered into an Agreement of Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants (the “Agreement”), through which it acquired shares representing 100% of the capital stock of GESPLAN S.A. (“GESPLAN”) |
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03/29/2022 |
Vadu |
Dimensa S.A. (“Dimensa”), on the date hereof, entered into an Agreement of Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants (the “Agreement”) to acquire shares representing 100% of the capital stock of Vadu Ltda. (“Vadu”). |
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01/31/2022 |
Mobile2you |
Dimensa S.A. (“Dimensa”), a subsidiary of the Company which has B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão as a partner, on January 31st, 2022 entered into an Agreement of Sale and Purchase of Shares and Other Covenants (the “Agreement”) to acquire shares representing 100% of the capital stock of Mobile2you Ltda. (“Mobile2you”) |
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01/10/2022 |
InovaMind |
Dimensa SA (“Dimensa”), a subsidiary of the Company that has B3 SA – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão as a partner, entered into a Share Purchase Agreement and Other Covenants (“Agreement”) for the acquisition of shares representing 100 % of the capital stock of InovaMind Tech Ltda. (“InovaMind”). |
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07/12/2021 |
Dimensa |
Agreement with the purpose of the subscription, by B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, of minority shareholding representing 37.5% of the total shares of DIMENSA, new name of TFS Soluções em Software S.A. |
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03/09/2021 |
RD Station |
Purchase agreement for the acquisition of shares corresponding to 92% of the capital stock of RD GESTÃO E SISTEMAS S.A. (“RD Station”) |
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12/29/2020 |
Tail Target Tecnologia |
Purchase Agreement and Other Covenants (“Agreement”) for acquiring 100% of the capital stock of Tail Target Tecnologia de Informação Ltda. (“TAIL”) |
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04/08/2020 |
Wealth Systems |
Purchase Agreement and Other Covenants (“Agreement”) for acquiring 100% of the capital stock of WEALTH SYSTEMS INFORMÁTICA LTDA. (“WEALTH SYSTEMS”) |
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12/27/2019 |
Consinco |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of CONSINCO S.A (“CONSINCO”) |
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11/06/2019 |
Bematech International Corporation |
Sale of the 100% of the capital stock of hardware operation developed by Bematech International Corporation (“BIC”) in Asia |
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10/28/2019 |
Supplier |
Acquisition of 88.8% of the capital stock of SUPPLIER PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A (“SUPPLIER”) |
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10/24/2019 |
Bematech Hardware |
Sale of the 100% of the capital stock of Bematech Hardware Ltda. |
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07/31/2019 |
Ciashop |
Sale of the totality of the interest held by the Company in the capital stock of CIASHOP
S.A. (“CIASHOP”), representing 70.47% of the capital stock of CIASHOP. |
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08/01/2016 |
Resultados em Outsorcing |
Sale of the 100% of the capital stock of R.O. RESULTADOS EM OUTSORCING S.A. (“Resultados em Outsorcing”). |
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09/03/2015 |
Bematech |
Corporate Reorganization between TOTVS S.A. and BEMATECH S.A. (“Bematech”), resulting in the ownership, by TOTVS, of 100% of the issued shares by Bematech. |
05/11/2015 |
TOTVS Agro e P2RX |
Acquisition of 40% of the capital stock of TOTVS SOLUÇÕES EM AGROINDÚSTRIA S.A. (“TOTVS Agro”, former PRX Soluções em Gestão Agroindustrial Ltda.) and 40% of the capital stock of P2RX SOLUÇÕES EM SOFTWARE S.A. (“P2RX”), becoming the owner of 100% of the both companies’ capital stock. |
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02/11/2015 |
Neolog |
Acquisition of 60% of the capital stock of NEOLOG CONSULTORIA E SISTEMAS S.A. (“Neolog”). |
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05/21/2014 |
Virtual Age |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of VIRTUAL AGE SOLUÇÕES EM TENCOLOGIA LTDA. (“Virtual Age”). |
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12/02/2013 |
Ciashop |
Acquisition of 68.5% of the capital stock of CIASHOP SOLUÇÕES PARA COMERCIO ELETRONICO S.A. (“Ciashop”). |
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11/25/2013 |
Seventeen |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of SEVENTEEN TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO EM INFORMÁTICA LTDA (“Seventeen”). |
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07/16/2013 |
RMS e Webstrategie |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of RMS SOFTWARE S.A. (“RMS) and WEBSTRATEGIE SOFTWARE LTDA (“Webstrategie”). |
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04/19/2013 |
PRX e P2RX |
Acquisition of controlling interest of 60% of the capital stock of PRX SOLUÇÕES EM GESTÃO AGROINDUSTRIAL LTDA.(“PRX”) and P2RX SOLUÇÕES EM SOFTWARE S/S LTDA (“P2RX”). |
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01/24/2013 |
PC Sistemas |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of W&D PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A (“PC Sistemas”). |
03/31/2011 |
Totalbanco |
Acquisition of 30% of the capital stock of TOTALBANCO CONSULTORIA E SISTEMAS S.A., becoming the owner of 100% of company’s capital stock. |
01/04/2011 |
Gens |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of GENS TECNOLOGIA E INFORMÁTICA LTDA (“Gens”). |
11/24/2010 |
Mafipa |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of MAFIPA SERVIÇOS DE INFORMÁTICA LTDA (“Mafipa”). |
08/02/2010 |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of SRC SERVIÇOS EM INFORMÁTICA LTDA (“SRC”). |
06/01/2010 |
Acquisition of 45% of the capital stock of TQTVD SOFTWARE LTDA. (“TQTVD”), becoming the owner of 100% of company’s capital stock. |
04/29/2010 |
Soft Team |
Sale of all quotas (100%) of SOFT TEAM SISTEMAS DE COMPUTAÇÃO E INFORMÁTICA LTDA (“Soft Team”). |
01/05/2010 |
Midbyte |
Acquisition of 30% of the capital stock of MIDBYTE INFORMÁTICA S.A (“Midbyte”), becoming the owner of 100% of company’s capital stock. |
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01/05/2010 |
M2S e M2I |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of M2I SERVIÇOS DE IMPLANTAÇÃO DE SOFTWARE LTDA.(“M2I”) and M2S SERVIÇOS DE SUPORTE LTDA. (“M2S”). |
10/14/2009 |
Hery |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of HERY SOFTWARE LTDA (“Hery”). |
10/13/2009 |
TotalBanco |
Acquisition of 70% of the capital stock of TOTALBANCO CONSULTORIA E SISTEMAS LTDA. (“Totalbanco”). |
09/03/2009 |
Acquisition of 20% of the capital stock of YMF ARQUITETURA FINANCEIRA DE NEGÓCIOS S.A. (“YMF”), becoming the owner of 100% of company’s capital stock. |
09/09/2009 |
Tools |
Acquisition of 10% of the capital stock of TOOLS ARQUITETURA FINANCEIRA DE NEGÓCIOS S.A. (“Tools”), becoming the owner of 100% of company’s capital stock. |
06/01/2009 |
Resultados em Outsorcing |
Acquisition of 40% of the capital stock of R.O. RESULTADOS EM OUTSORCING S.A. (“Resultados em Outsorcing”), becoming the owner of 100% of company’s capital stock. |
08/19/2008 |
Datasul |
Corporate Reorganization between TOTVS S.A. and DATASUL S.A. (“Datasul”), resulting in the ownership, by TOTVS, of 100% of the issued shares by Datasul. |
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07/01/2008 |
Setware |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of SETWARE INFORMÁTICA LTDA. (“Setware”). |
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12/10/2007 |
11/29/2007 |
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11/29/2007 |
Midbyte |
Acquisition of 70% of the capital stock of MIDBYTE INFORMÁTICA S.A. (“Midbyte”). |
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11/29/2007 |
Acquisition of 70% of the capital stock of TQTVD SOFTWARE LTDA (“TQTVD”). |
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04/12/2006 |
RM Sistemas |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of RM SISTEMAS S.A. (“RM Sistemas”). |
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02/16/2005 |
Logocenter |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of LOGOCENTER S.A. (“Logocenter”). |
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02/16/2005 |
Sipros |
Acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of SIPROS Mexico (“Sipros”). |
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